宋子揚 醫師
- 前台灣大學附設動物醫院內科住院醫師
- 前台灣大學附設動物醫院內科主治醫師
- 前台灣大學附設動物醫院傳染病/急診醫師
- 前台大動物醫院心血管科/心肺評估主治醫師
- 前東南家畜醫院內科醫師
- 前恩孺動物診所內科/心臟科醫師
- 國立台灣大學獸醫系學士
- 國立台灣大學獸醫學臨床研究所碩士 (專攻犬貓皮膚、心血管疾病)
- 台灣大學附設動物醫院內科住院醫師訓練
- Sung TY, Huang HP. The incidence of positive intradermal skin test reactions in dogs with atopic dermatitis. Journal of Veterinary Clinical Science 2009; 2: p31-36.
- Sung TY, Huang HP, Chang PH, Lien YH. Canine black hair follicular dysplasia in a Chihuahua: a case report. Journal of Veterinary Clinical Science 2008; 1: p21-23.
- Sung TY, Lien YH, Chang PH, Huang HP. Effect of castration on hair re-growth in Pomeranians with hair cycle arrest (Alopecia X). Scientific Abstracts of the 6th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology 19 (Suppl. 1): p50.
- Lien YH, Wu SY, Sung TY, Huang HP. Allergen-specific immunotherapy based on a limited, nonseasonal allergen intradermal skin test. Scientific Abstracts of the 6th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, Veterinary Dermatology 19 (Suppl. 1), p39.
- Wang SW, Sung TY, Wu SY, Wu TJ, Huang HP. Serum concentrations of NT-proBNP and cardiac Troponin I in determination of severity of canine heart failure. Proceedings of the 18th European College of Veterinary internal Medicine Congress, p225.
- Lin CH, Yan CJ, Sung TY, Huang HP. Clinical-relevant history in feline bronchial disease. Proceedings of the 16th European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, p 207.
每天早晨,我們家那3隻小搗蛋像是定時鬧鐘般準時地把我舔醒。每每看著他們望著我的眼神,我知道這是我生命中 最甜蜜的負荷。他們是我的家人,更是我最疼愛的小孩。因為如此,我熱愛著我的工作。